Educ 4

1 comment:

  1. Advantages of computer:
    1. they allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at what time, via the use of email.
    2. They allow people to look up information directly, instead of the use of searching through books.
    3. Back-up copies of work can be made easily, without having to re-write everything.
    4. People can work from home, and spend more time with their families because of this.
    5. People with disabilities, whom can't write, can get software that allows them to speak and it types it on the screen.

    Disadvantages of computer:
    1. People sometimes spend all their time secluded in theirs rooms on the computer.
    2. Pedophiles on chat rooms
    3. Easier to copy someone’s homework, as you can sometimes find the sources online.
    4. Illegal downloading can ruin businesses
    5. Details such as bank records can be hacked into, and thus your personal information is no longer as safe as it used to be.
    6. Computers can make the mind lazy. You get used to not reading a book, or researching something at the library... Just a few key-strokes and you have your answer.
    7. There are physical things like carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain disorders, and eye strain (often necessitating glasses).
    8. It takes one away from socializing with others in person.
    9. Spending too much time playing online games or chatting over the computer instead of reading books, taking walks, and doing homework.
    10. Being on a computer too much can also lead to anti-social behavior and depression.

    Advantages of CAI:
    • One-to-one interaction
    • Great motivator
    • Freedom to experiment with different options
    • Instantaneous response/immediate feedback to the answers elicited
    • Self pacing - allow students to proceed at their own pace
    • Helps teacher can devote more time to individual students
    • Privacy helps the shy and slow learner to learns
    • Individual attention
    • learn more and more rapidly
    • Multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through multi-sensory approach
    • Self-directed learning – students can decide when, where, and what to learn
